Friday, May 27, 2011

HTC Announces the End to their Locked Bootloader Policy


HTC announced on  late Thursday that it will no longer be locking the bootloaders on its phones. This was confimed via HTC’s Facebook page. HTC's CEO, Peter Chou, said that after listening to customer feedback, the company has decided to have unlocked bootloaders on Android devices. 

"There has been overwhelmingly customer feedback that people want access to open bootloaders on HTC phones. I want you to know that we've listened. Today, I'm confirming we will no longer be locking the bootloaders on our devices. Thanks for your passion, support and patience," Peter Chou, CEO of HTC.

So what does this mean? 
bootloader loads the phone’s operating system. With a locked bootloader, you can't install  a custom operating system (ie cyanogenmod) on your device. With an unlocked bootloader, you can now install a custom operating system on your HTC phone. 

However, locked bootloaders, which require a signed certificate from HTC, don’t prevent you from rooting the phone, but the manufacturer still maintains control over handsets.

Late last month, Motorola announced that it would introduce an unlockable bootloader for its phones later this year.

So what do you think of this announcement? Let us know.

Source: PCWorld

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