So as you may know, Apple release the iPhone 4s today. It has the same design as the iPhone 4, but comes with the Apple A5 dual core chip and a 8MP camera and 1080p recording. In addition, Apple also released a 64 GB iPhone 4S model, which is $399 with a two year contract. The iPhone 4 is available for $99 with a two year contract and the 3Gs is available for $0 with a two year contact. Sadly the iPhone 4S is missing features such as 4G, a bigger display, and a new design.
As for the iPod shuffle and Classic, despite rumors, they will continue to be on sale.
The iPod Touch and Nano seem to have no hardware changes. The only change is that the iPod Touch is now available in white and the 8GB model costs $199. The Nano has a watch strap accessory.
Oh yes...iOS 5 is coming out on October 12th. The GM version was released today.
Update: iPhone 4S has only 512 MB ram, same as the iPhone 4. So the only difference between the two models seems to be the camera and the dual core processor. Of course, there is also Siri, but that could potentially be ported to the iPhone 4. Oh yes, there will be no unlocked version of the iPhone 4S available till November.